Tuesday 28 February 2017

Preliminary Task: 180 Degree Rule, Match on Action, Shot/Reverse Shot, Evaluation


Although accurate, this was because the story boards were drawn after the filming, as my first attempts at storyboarding were not able to be filmed. However, the story boards are not completely identical to the final film, as film and sound errors meant that the cut between shot 3B and shot 4 did not have a smooth audio bridge as first planned. This preliminary task and attempt at storyboarding has taught me how to storyboard and the importance of doing it before any filming.

To accomplish match on action editing, I filmed Rae walking down the stairs and around the corner from one position [00:00 - 00:11]until she disappeared around the corner, and then filmed from a new position around the corner from the front of her, following her as she walks up the stairs [00:11- 00:15]. We then used iMovie to edit the two clips together, cutting from her walking around the corner in the first video to her walking towards the stairs in the second video, cropping the clips until they matched. We used the same technique as she walked through the door, filming from one side of the door and then the other [00:14-00:16]. However, if we were to redo the preliminary task, I would reshoot the section where she sits down and has the conversation with Lewis [00:19], as the clips would not match due to mistakes I made while filming.

To avoid breaking the 180 degree rule, we avoided filming from the opposite side of the sightline - for example, during their conversation, we kept Rae on the left, and Lewis on the right. If we were to move the camera to the other side of the camera meaning Lewis would appear to be on the left and Rae would appear to be on the right, that would be breaking the 180 degree rule, and would be confusing to watch if we did not show the action line changing.

For our shot/reverse shot, we filmed the conversation from different positions - the one seen when Rae first enters the room, one shot over Rae's shoulder showing Lewis's face, and the one from over Lewis's shoulder showing Rae's face. Once we had the footage from all these angles, we uploaded all of it onto iMovie and clipped/rearranged the footage so that it was switching between their faces. Again, if we were going to reshoot this task, we would have to find away to make the sound more clearer, as it is not consistent or clear throughout the video.

Although I am quite pleased with how the match on action came out as she came around the corner and into the room, I am not happy with how the continuity from her sitting down to the conversation starting turned out, or with the inconsistent sound. From this I have learned how to use the basics of iMovie which will really help with the final opening, as well as the importance of sound and making sure to use microphones to keep it clear and consistent.

1 comment:

  1. It's a very short prelim although you have managed to complete all three requirements very well. I like the way that you are documenting the learning journey as this will help you evaluate later and will even be useful as part of your A2 reflections should you choose to continue!
