Thursday 4 May 2017

Marking- Research and Planning

 Deana's analysis of the film openings and title sequences demonstrated an in depth understanding of the forms and conventions. Her mood boards and Prezi on crime thrillers were also outstanding and showed a deep understanding of the genre. Her work on the BBFC, health and safety assessment and film companies demonstrated a clear understanding of media industries. This research was further demonstrated by her decision to switch from Revolution to New Line Cinemas. There was evidence of a clear understanding of marketing in her blog. Her work on props helped to demonstrate the learning journey that she undertook throughout the project

Her research was very thorough. She showed a very good understanding of psychographics and demographics and how media industries use these. It was a shame about the volume issues in her focus group but her volunteers had clearly been prepped and given time to explain their answers which was useful, showing clear and detailed evidence of audience research. The lessons learned were evident in later posts such as the pitch. I also enjoyed the reference to influences. Appropriate, copyright free music was also researched. as was an understanding of marketing.

The pitch and storyboard ably demonstrated a link between product, processes and the creation of meaning as well as an ability to plan and construct a media product. This was also reflected in her post on costume and mise en scene. 

I feel that overall Deana's research and planning is very comprehensive and showed an excellent understanding  of media products, their forms and conventions and how audiences make meaning from them.  She investigated institutional issues ranging from regulation to marketing. Her planning was thorough and her responses demonstrated an ability to learn and adapt during the process. Her blog is varied in style and content, clear and well written. There was perhaps potential to explore her own marketing ideas in more detail.


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