Saturday 25 March 2017

Importance of Title Sequences + analysis of Se7en Titles

Although highly stylised openings look the most effective, there is too much editing to do to make it look professional in the time frame. I have decided to do a discrete opening for my film, as text over an image/a blank screen is too simplistic and more suited for older films, and a narrative opening would not fit my story line well - as it is 2 minutes long, I would not be able to fit enough narrative in for it be make sense or to be effective.

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot in that Se7en opening sequence. Help me out here, is it discrete because on second viewing you realise you are watching the killer at work and therefore it becomes part of the narrative?? So confusing! You see hime being meticulous and precise. He crosses thinks out which connotes elimination and that stitching seems to suggest creating something made out of smaller pieces. I love the way that you only fully realise what is going on with this sequence second time around because it suggests that the killer was one step ahead of everybody, including the audience!
