Monday 10 April 2017

Health and Safety - Risk assessment

  • As there are no action/fast paced sequences in my film opening, there are not many obvious, dangerous risks.
  • My main hazard is the use of drawing pins and knives - as they are both sharp, there is the risk of the person using them getting hurt. However these are central to the title sequence, so these remain a continuous risk throughout filming, although the camera person and the person using the pins will both pay attention to where the pins are and to take precautions not to jab them into their hands.
  • Another hazard is the roads getting to the outside location. Fortunately these roads are not too busy, and there are zebra and pelican crossings to use to get us from A to B.
  • Another risk is offending/unnerving the public. As we are using a fake grave, people may get uncomfortable or perhaps mistake it for an actual grave (although this is highly unlikely). To combat this we are going to film in a relatively isolated place away from public foot traffic, and make it obvious that it is a fake setting purely for film. I decided against using a real grave as it is not something I am comfortable with, and making a fake plaque gives us more freedom to place it and film anywhere.

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